
[sandflies (diptera, psychodidae) in a secondary forest area in the paco do lumiar city, maranhao, brazil: a leishmaniasis transmission area].this paper analyzes the wealth of species, relative abundance, seasonal fluctuation, and nocturnal activity of sandflies. the field survey was conducted in a "capoeira" (secondary forest) area in the county of paço do lumiar, maranhão, where cutaneous and transmission of visceral leishmaniasis frequently occurs. sandflies were captured by cdc-type light traps from 6:00 pm to 6:00 am, once a month, from march 1997 to february 1998. a total of 489 specimens were collected (251 males and 238 female ...200010738174
morphometric and molecular characterization of the series guyanensis (diptera, psychodidae, psychodopygus) from the ecuadorian amazon basin with description of a new species.several populations of the series guyanensis (diptera, psychodidae, psychodopygus) were collected from the yasuní national park in the ecuadorian amazon region. the specimens comprised the species psychodopygus geniculatus, psychodopygus luisleoni and psychodopygus corossoniensis. within ps. geniculatus, we observed two populations, one with a narrow paramere and relatively short genital filaments and the other characterized by a wider coxite and longer genital filaments. a multiple approach com ...201222386852
phlebotomine sand flies (diptera: psychodidae) of chiapas collected near the guatemala border, with additions to the fauna of mexico and a new subgenus name.collections from four localities, two of the high plateau and two of the eastern mountains municipality of chiapas, near the border with guatemala, included 26 species with four new species records for mexico: lutzomyia (helcocyrtomyia) hartmanni (fairchild & hertig, 1957), dampfomyia (coromyia) disneyi (williams, 1987), psychodopygus bispinosus (fairchild & hertig, 1951), and psychodopygus corossoniensis (lepont & pajot, 1978). these records represent an updated total of 50 species in mexico, 4 ...201526250267
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