
evidence of allergic hypersensitivity to chironomid midges in an english village community.some chironomid (non-biting) midges contain potent human allergens, principally in the form of insect haemoglobins. in view of previously demonstrated immunological cross-reactivity between some different midge species, the possible role of british midges in allergic disease was studied. the chosen site, farmoor near oxford, is a village that has been subject to several annual nuisance midge swarms since the construction of an adjacent water-supply reservoir in 1964, which was extended in 1975. ...19883396197
diversity and structure of chironomidae (diptera) communities along a gradient of heavy metal contamination in a subarctic structure of chironomid larvae was investigated along a gradient of heavy metal pollution in the subarctic lakes of the pasvik watercourse, bordering northern norway and russia. sixty taxa were present in the four investigated lakes. species richness was lower in lake kuetsjarvi, nearest the main source of pollution, relative to the more distant lakes, and simpson's diversity index was similarly highest in the less polluted site with higher maximum depth. the number of orthoclad chiron ...200312711428
[karyotype and morphology of chironomus anthracinus zett. (diptera, chironomidae) from eastern kazakhstan].larval morphology and polytene chromosomes of chironomus anthracinus from eastern kazakhstan have been described. larvae have no lateral tubules on vii abdominal segment, but have paired ventral tubules on viii abdominal segment. 2 n = 8 (a1.1 b1.1 c2.2 d1.1 e1.1 f1.1 g1.1). two nucleoli are present in arms ivg and iiif. mapping of chromosomes, apart from antc2 arm, was performed after shobanov (1996). b-chromosomes have been discovered in this species for the first time (in 19.4% individuals). ...200314520875
the fate of trace metals during the metamorphosis of chironomids (diptera, chironomidae).the fate of the trace metals zinc, cadmium and copper during the metamorphosis of chironomids was studied under field and experimental conditions. field observations demonstrated a significant decrease in the trace metal body burden of larvae and imagines of stictochironomus histrio fabricius. no such difference were noted between successive developmental stages of chironomus anthracinus zett. the exuviae of both species contained small amounts of trace metals. experiments, in which larvae of s. ...198915092356
[reports on fat body inclusions of chironomus thummi & chironomus anthracinus larvae at high temperature (26 degrees & 28 degrees c)]. 195813593660
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