false detection of plasmodium falciparum sporozoites in anopheles marshallii group mosquitoes. | a study was conducted to determine the role of members of the anopheles funestus group in malaria transmission in the mpumalanga province, in the northeastern region of south africa. female anopheline mosquitoes were collected between january 1996 and november 1997 by means of human landing catches and tested for salivary gland plasmodium falciparum infections by means of the enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (elisa) method with pf2a10 antibodies. infection rates from april and may 1997 collecti ... | 2001 | 14529083 |
ape malaria transmission and potential for ape-to-human transfers in africa. | recent studies have highlighted the large diversity of malaria parasites infecting african great apes (subgenus laverania) and their strong host specificity. although the existence of genetic incompatibilities preventing the cross-species transfer may explain host specificity, the existence of vectors with a high preference for a determined host represents another possibility. to test this hypothesis, we undertook a 15-mo-long longitudinal entomological survey in two forest regions of gabon, whe ... | 2016 | 27071123 |
complexity of the malaria vectorial system in cameroon: contribution of secondary vectors to malaria transmission. | malaria transmission in africa is a dynamic and complex system that is so far superficially understood. further knowledge is required to improve control of the disease. in the present report, we highlight the contribution of the so-called "secondary" malaria vectors to the overall parasite transmission intensity in several sites across cameroon, through a retrospective analysis of surveys from the organisation de coordination pour la lutte contre les endémies en afrique centrale database. in tot ... | 2006 | 17162956 |
biting behavior and plasmodium infection rates of anopheles arabiensis from sille, ethiopia. | the man-biting behavior and plasmodium infection rates of anopheline mosquitoes were investigated in sille, a hyperendemic malarious area in southern ethiopia. seven anopheles species were identified from all night landing collections, conducted from 18:00 to 06:00h between october 2001 and august 2002. the predominant species was anopheles arabiensis (55.8%), followed by anopheles coustani (31.5%), anopheles pharoensis (9.5%), anopheles funestus (2.2%), anopheles nili (0.5%), anopheles marshall ... | 2006 | 16171769 |
a population genetical study of the african mosquito anopheles marshallii (theobald). | | 1983 | 28563303 |