
[the alveolar salivary glands of hungry larvae of the chigger hirsutiella zachvatkini].heteromorphic parasitic larvae of hirsutiella zachvatkini have four pairs of simple alveolar salivary glands possessing characteristic peculiarities of electron microscopic organisation. each of paired granulosecreting salivary glands has its own dynamics of secretory activity, which is stimulated by a specific functional role connected with feeding on the host.19902349003
host-associated differences in morphometric traits of parasitic larvae hirsutiella zachvatkini (actinotrichida: trombiculidae).examination of host-associated variation in the chigger mite hirsutiella zachvatkini (schluger) revealed morphological differences among larvae infesting sympatric hosts: apodemus agrarius, apodemus flavicollis and myodes glareolus. the analysis included 61 variables of larvae obtained from their gnathosoma, idiosoma and legs (measurements and counts). statistically significant differences were observed for metric characters of the legs as opposed to the scutum. in view of the conspecificity of ...201526002309
host-parasite association in trombiculid mites (actinotrichida: trombiculidae) of temperate zone - the case of hirsutiella zachvatkini (schluger, 1948); are we dealing with prolonged contact with the host?the time-extended contact of trombiculid larvae with hosts poses a question of its ecological determinants. the phenomenon, which may facilitate the overwintering of larvae in the temperate zone, was previously observed in few parasitengone taxa, but not confirmed for mammal-associated trombiculids. the study aims at tracing the phenology of larvae of hirsutiella zachvatkini and at verifying the hypothesis of contact with the host, extending beyond the parasitic phase.201626830356
first detections of rickettsia helvetica and r. monacensis in ectoparasitic mites (laelapidae and trombiculidae) infesting rodents in south-western slovakia.information on circulation of rickettsiae between small mammals and their ectoparasitic mites is scarce. in this study, we investigated infestation rates of rodents with mites in some areas of sw slovakia and the role of mites as possible vectors of pathogenic rickettsiae. a total of 615 rodents of five species were caught during 2010-2012. all individuals were examined for ectoparasites which resulted in 2821 mites belonging to three species of laelapidae and six species of trombiculidae. the m ...201525843569
ultrastructure of the integument during moulting of the quiescent tritonymphal instar of trombiculid mite hirsutiella zachvatkini (acariformes: trombiculidae).the ultrastructure of the integument of the quiescent reduced tritonymph of the trombiculid mite hirsutiella zachvatkini (schluger) was investigated by means of transmission electron microscopy. mites were investigated daily during the 14-16 day tritonymphal period (imagochrysalis). this period includes the deutonymphal moult (1-3 days), the quiescent tritonymph period (2-4 days), and the tritonymphal moult into the adult mite (6-10 days). a distinct recognizable feature of the tritonymphal moul ...200111513363
stylostome formation in trombiculid mites (acariformes: trombiculidae).stylostomes of the trombiculid mite larvae neotrombicula pomeranzevi (schluger), hirsutiella zachvatkini (schluger), miyatrombicula esoensis (sasa and ogata) and euschoengastia rotundata (schluger) (acariformes: trombiculidae), formed in the host skin during feeding of the parasites on their natural hosts (voles) were studied histologically and histochemically. a stylostome is a variously shaped tube formed of solidified mite saliva that extends from the mouthparts of the parasite through the ep ...200919370394
comparative stylostome ultrastructure of hirsutiella zachvatkini (trombiculidae) and trombidium holosericeum (trombidiidae) larvae.stylostomes (feeding tubes) of hirsutiella zachvatkini (schluger) (trombiculidae), feeding on bank voles [myodes glareolus (schreber)], and of trombidium holosericeum (l.) (trombidiidae), feeding on larvae of stenodemini sp. (heteroptera, miridae), were studied by tem methods and on semi-thin sections. the stylostome of h. zachvatkini is a homogeneous structure of low electron density and without strict margins. it extends within the concave host epidermis, undergoing hyperplasia and hyperkerato ...201728852943
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