
population dynamics of intertidal oribatid mites (acari: cryptostigmata) from the subtropical archipelago of bermuda.the population dynamics of the three intertidal oribatid species, alismobates inexpectatus, fortuynia atlantica and carinozetes bermudensis, have been studied on the archipelago of bermuda over the course of a year. all three species are univoltine, showing a clear seasonal demographic pattern, with reproduction from spring to late autumn and a complete standstill of egg production in winter. a seasonal shift in sex ratio could also be observed in all three species and is supposed to be based on ...201323515699
resistance to fresh and salt water in intertidal mites (acari: oribatida): implications for ecology and hydrochorous dispersal.the resistance to fresh water and seawater in three intertidal oribatid mite species from bermuda, alismobates inexpectatus, fortuynia atlantica and carinozetes bermudensis, was tested in laboratory experiments. larvae are more sensitive to fresh and salt water, nymphs and adults showed equal tolerances. fortuynia atlantica and a. inexpectatus were more resistant to salt water whereas c. bermudensis survived longer in fresh water. differences in the resistance to fresh and salt water among the t ...201323456607
hidden in the mangrove forest: the cryptic intertidal mite carinozetes mangrovi sp. nov. (acari, oribatida, selenoribatidae).the small archipelago of bermuda is a geologically young landmass in the western atlantic ocean and recently turned out to be inhabited by a number of intertidal oribatid mites. one newly described species, carinozetes bermudensis, showed an unusual vast range of habitats like sandy beaches, rocky substrate and mangroves. in the present study, 13 bermudian populations of c. bermudensis were analysed to verify species integrity of specimens from different microhabitats. a morphometric analysis of ...201424687175
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