
recapture of male and female dragonflies in relation to parasitism by mites, time of season, wing length and wing cell symmetry.for aquatic mites parasitic on dragonflies, completion of their life cycle depends on their being returned to appropriate water bodies by their hosts, after completion of engorgement. we examined whether differences among hosts in timing of emergence or phenotypic attributes might affect their probability of return to an emergence pond, and hence success of mites. parasitized males and females of the dragonfly sympetrum obtrusum (hagen) did not differ in overall recapture rates. females that had ...200415597602
parasitism of sympetrum dragonflies by arrenurus planus mites: maintenance of resistance particular to one species.using field surveys and histological methods, we show that a dragonfly species (sympetrum internum) has an effective resistance, not seen previously in other odonates, to a mite parasite (arrenurus planus). this mite is a generalist parasite known to effectively engorge on several other odonate species. we argue that selection is likely weak, favouring counter adaptations of arrenurus planus to sympetrum internum, in part because other host species are available. we further argue that this patte ...199910501609
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