
molecular identification of epitrix potato flea beetles (coleoptera: chrysomelidae) in europe and north america.epitrix species (coleoptera: chrysomelidae) feed mostly on plants from the family solanaceae and some of them are major pests of potato crops. all epitrix species are morphologically highly similar, which makes them difficult to identify and limits their study and management. identification of species is mostly based on the observation of the genitalia and requires a high level of expertise. here, we propose a tool to reliably identify all developmental stages of the most economically important ...201323448201
resistance of wild solanum accessions to aphids and other potato pests in quebec field conditions.two experiments were done to determine the susceptibility of six wild potato accessions to the aphids macrosiphum euphorbiae (thomas) (hemiptera: aphididae) and myzus persicae (sulzer). densities of aphid colonies were compared between caged solanum pinnatisectum dunal (solanales: solanaceae), s. polyadenium greenmam, s. tarijense hawkes, s. infundibuliforme philippi, s. oplocense hawkes, and s. stoloniferum schlechted and bouché, and the commercially cultivated potato plant s. tuberosum l. cv. ...201021054161
the tomato odorless-2 mutant is defective in trichome-based production of diverse specialized metabolites and broad-spectrum resistance to insect herbivores.glandular secreting trichomes of cultivated tomato (solanum lycopersicum) produce a wide array of volatile and nonvolatile specialized metabolites. many of these compounds contribute to the characteristic aroma of tomato foliage and constitute a key part of the language by which plants communicate with other organisms in natural environments. here, we describe a novel recessive mutation called odorless-2 (od-2) that was identified on the basis of an altered leaf-aroma phenotype. od-2 plants exhi ...201020668059
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