
honeydew sugars in wild-caught female deer flies (diptera: tabanidae).female deer flies (chrysops spp.) were collected from 2 habitats in algonquin provincial park, on. using thin-layer chromatography, 11 sugars were detected in the digestive tracts of these flies; these occurred in 41 different combinations. we argue that combinations including melezitose, stachyose, or both can be used to indicate when flies recently have fed on homopteran honeydew. accordingly, 85.7% of chrysops excitans (n = 49) and 61.1% of chrysops mitis (n = 18) collected from an abandoned ...19989775593
notes on the tabanidae (diptera) of western labrador.the seasonal distribution and relative abundance of adult tabanidae were studied in 2 mining communities of western labrador during 1984. four collecting methods were compared. fifteen species belonging to 2 genera were collected (6 chrysops and 9 hybomitra). results were compared with other studies conducted in adjacent northern areas. chrysops excitans was the most abundant species collected. the horizontal distribution of adult host-seeking c. excitans was investigated. a list of species coll ...19853880250
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