
differences in the ectoparasite fauna between micromammals captured in natural and adjacent residential areas are better explained by sex and season than by type of habitat.we compared the ectoparasite fauna in 608 micromammals (chiefly 472 wood mice apodemus sylvaticus, 63 algerian mice mus spretus, and 51 greater white-toothed shrews crocidura russula) captured in natural and adjacent residential areas in spring and autumn during three consecutive years in four areas in periurban barcelona (ne spain). we found little support for an association of urbanization with differences in infestation by ectoparasites. prevalence of rhipicephalus sp. tick in wood mice and s ...201626946133
[fleas (siphonaptera) of mammals from the mountain area between the kuban and great laba rivers].the flea fauna of mammals in the area between the kuban and great laba rivers contributes 47 species. the majority of mammal fleas parasitize on several hosts. peculiarities of the species composition and the structure of flea communities dwelling in different altitudinal belts is estimated. the flea ctenophthalmus wagneri and some other flea species possessing ancient mediterranean range show the highest dominance indices in foothills. ctenophthalmus proximus and leptopsylla taschenbergi, posse ...201525929110
leptopsylla taschenbergi calamana jordan, 1951 and some other findings of fleas (insecta, siphonaptera) in switzerland. 19744836182
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