
phasic action of the tensor muscle modulates the calling song in cicadasthe effect of tensor muscle contraction on sound production by the tymbal was investigated in three species of cicadas (tettigetta josei, tettigetta argentata and tympanistalna gastrica). all species showed a strict time correlation between the activity of the tymbal motoneurone and the discharge of motor units in the tensor nerve during the calling song. lesion of the tensor nerve abolished the amplitude modulation of the calling song, but this modulation was restored by electrical stimulation ...19969319436
effects of temperature on tuning of the auditory pathway in the cicada tettigetta josei (hemiptera, tibicinidae).the effects of temperature on hearing in the cicada tettigetta josei were studied. the activity of the auditory nerve and the responses of auditory interneurons to stimuli of different frequencies and intensities were recorded at different temperatures ranging from 16 degrees c to 29 degrees c. firstly, in order to investigate the temperature dependence of hearing processes, we analyzed its effects on auditory tuning, sensitivity, latency and q(10db). increasing temperature led to an upward shif ...200717488947
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