experimental infection of a periodical cicada (magicicada cassinii) with a parasitoid (emblemasoma auditrix) of a proto-periodical cicada (okanagana rimosa). | the proto-periodical cicada okanagana rimosa is subject to infection by the acoustically orientating parasitoid fly emblemasoma auditrix. furthermore, it is also the only known host of e. auditrix. here we test the question, whether the highly adapted parasitoid can also infect other cicadas, like the periodical cicada (magicicada cassinii) and which steps of the parasitization process can be completed. the experiments might also reveal whether such a parasitoid could hypothetically have been in ... | 2014 | 25496534 |
luethyella okanaganae gen. nov., sp. nov., a novel genus and species of the family microbacteriaceae isolated from the insect okanagana rimosa. | the entomopathogen "corynebacterium okanaganae" was described by lüthy in 1974 but the name was never validly published. phylogenetic analysis employing 16s rrna gene sequences demonstrate that "corynebacterium okanaganae" is not a member of the genus corynebacterium but related to members of the microbacteriaceae being most closely related to, but distinct from, members of the genera rathayibacter, mycetocola and curtobacterium. the bacterium is an aerobic, gram-positive staining, rod-shaped ac ... | 2017 | 28194502 |
auditory threshold change in singing cicadas | the hearing sensitivity in singing cicadas is reduced during sound production by a folding of the tympanal membranes. using electrophysiological recording and nerve stimulation techniques, we have shown an effect of the folded tympanum on the auditory threshold of two species of cicadas, tibicen linnei and okanagana rimosa. auditory thresholds of both species increased by about 20 db when the tympana folded during singing. in t. linnei the increase in threshold affected the whole frequency range ... | 1994 | 9317307 |
central projections of fibers in the auditory and tensor nerves of cicadas (homoptera: cicadidae). | the auditory and tensor nerves of cicadas are mixed nerves containing both afferent and efferent elements. in 17-year cicadas, and in okanagana rimosa, the auditory nerve contains afferents from body hairs, from the detensor tympani-chordotonal organ, and some 1300--1500 afferents from the hearing organ. within the fused metathoracic-abdominal ganglionic complex the receptors from both the auditory and tensor nerves form a neuropilar structure that reveals the metameric organization of this comp ... | 1979 | 509511 |
substrate vibrations during acoustic signalling in the cicada okanagana rimosa. | males of the north american cicada okanagana rimosa (homoptera: cicadidae, tibicininae) emit loud airborne acoustic signals for intraspecific communication. specialised vibratory signals could not be detected; however, the airborne signal induced substrate vibrations. both auditory and vibratory spectra peak in the range from 7-10 khz. thus, the vibrations show similar frequency components to the sound spectrum within biologically relevant distances. these vibratory signals could be important as ... | 2002 | 15455036 |
infection behavior of a parasitoid fly, emblemasoma auditrix, and its host cicada okanagana rimosa. | males of the cicada okanagana rimosa (homoptera: cicadidae) that produce calling songs are parasitised by the parasitoid fly emblemasoma auditrix (diptera: sarcophagidae). an ethogram of the infection behavior was extracted from videotaped experiments with tethered hosts. the infection behavior can be divided into three phases, each involving different sensory cues: long-range host detection via acoustic signals, visual short-range orientation, and a contact phase with tactile/chemical cues. aft ... | 2004 | 15861251 |
acoustic communication in okanagana rimosa (say) (homoptera: cicadidae). | the cicada okanagana rimosa (say) has an acoustic communication system with three types of loud timbal sounds: (i) a calling song lasting several seconds to about 1 min which consists of a sequence of chirps at a repetition rate of 83 chirps per second. each chirp of about 6 ms duration contains 4-5 pulses. the sound level of the calling song is 87-90 db spl at a distance of 15 cm. (ii) an amplitude modulated courtship song with increasing amplitude and repetition rate of chirps and pulses. (iii ... | 2004 | 16351942 |
phonotaxis of the female parasitoid emblemasoma auditrix (diptera, sarcophagidae) in relation to number of larvae and age. | the dipteran parasitoid emblemasoma auditrix locates its host acoustically. analysis showed that phonotactic female flies usually carry fully developed larvae within their uteri. the mean number of larvae per female at the beginning of the season was 37.9 (range from 10 to 50). the number of larvae decreased rapidly with increasing singing activity of the host cicada (okanagana rimosa). in high-density host populations the parasitoid is likely to become egg-limited. a possible selective phonotac ... | 2005 | 16351971 |
postembryonic development of the auditory system of the cicada okanagana rimosa (say) (homoptera: auchenorrhyncha: cicadidae). | cicadas (homoptera: auchenorrhyncha: cicadidae) use acoustic signalling for mate attraction and perceive auditory signals by a tympanal organ in the second abdominal segment. the main structural features of the ear are the tympanum, the sensory organ consisting of numerous scolopidial cells, and the cuticular link between sensory neurones and tympanum (tympanal ridge and apodeme). here, a first investigation of the postembryonic development of the auditory system is presented. in insects, sensor ... | 2009 | 19394805 |
phonotactic flight of the parasitoid fly emblemasoma auditrix (diptera: sarcophagidae). | the parasitoid fly emblemasoma auditrix locates its hosts using acoustic cues from sound producing males of the cicada okanagana rimosa. here, we experimentally analysed the flight path of the phonotaxis from a landmark to the target, a hidden loudspeaker in the field. during flight, the fly showed only small lateral deviations. the vertical flight direction angles were initially negative (directed downwards relative to starting position), grew positive (directed upwards) in the second half of t ... | 2017 | 27878378 |
useless hearing in male emblemasoma auditrix (diptera, sarcophagidae)--a case of intralocus sexual conflict during evolution of a complex sense organ? | sensory modalities typically are important for both sexes, although sex-specific functional adaptations may occur frequently. this is true for hearing as well. consequently, distinct behavioural functions were identified for the different insect hearing systems. here we describe a first case, where a trait of an evolutionary novelty and a highly specialized hearing organ is adaptive in only one sex. the main function of hearing of the parasitoid fly emblemasoma auditrix is to locate the host, ma ... | 2014 | 24489872 |
auditory behaviour of a parasitoid fly (emblemasoma auditrix, sarcophagidae, diptera). | females of the parasitoid fly emblemasoma auditrix find their host cicada (okanagana rimosa) by its acoustic signals. in laboratory experiments, fly phonotaxis had a mean threshold of about 66 db spl when tested with the cicada calling song. flies exhibited a frequency dependent phonotaxis when testing to song models with different carrier frequencies (pulses of 6 ms duration and a repetition rate of 80 pulses s(-1)). however, the phonotactic threshold was rather broadly tuned in the range from ... | 2001 | 11763956 |