
oviposition habitat selection in response to risk of predation in temporary pools: mode of detection and consistency across experimental venue.natural selection should favor females that avoid ovipositing where risk of predation is high for their progeny. despite the large consequences of such oviposition behavior for individual fitness, population dynamics, and community structure, relatively few studies have tested for this behavior. moreover, these studies have rarely assessed the mode of detection of predators, compared responses in prey species that vary in vulnerability to predators, or tested for the behavior in natural habitats ...200414648191
effects of pool depth and risk of predation on oviposition habitat selection by temporary pool dipterans.natural selection should favor females that oviposit in sites providing the best available conditions for her progeny. in temporary pools, two important conditions include risk of desiccation and risk of predation to larvae. in an artificial pool experiment, we compared oviposition responses of two dipterans, culiseta longiareolata macquart (culicidae) and chironomus riparius meigan (chironomidae), in very shallow pools that, if left to dry, would not have had a long enough hydroperiod for larva ...200616739406
oviposition habitat selection by anopheles gambiae in response to chemical cues by notonecta maculata.a number of mosquito species avoid predator-inhabited oviposition sites by detecting predator-released kairomones. in the laboratory, we found that when offered de-ionized water and de-ionized water conditioned with notonecta maculata, gravid anopheles gambiae females preferentially oviposited into the former. we then conducted further experiments using two chemical components found in notonecta-conditioned water, chemically pure n-tricosane and/or n-heneicosane, that was previously shown to rep ...201122129414
predator-released hydrocarbons repel oviposition by a mosquito.prey species commonly use predator-released kairomones (prks) to detect risk of predation, yet the chemical identity of prks remains elusive. chemical identification of prks will facilitate the study of predator-prey interactions and the risk of predation, and when the prey are pests, will potentially provide environmentally friendly means of pest control. in temporary pools of the mediterranean and middle east, larvae of the mosquito culiseta longiareolata macquart are highly vulnerable to the ...201020618841
diurnal and nocturnal functional response of juvenile notonecta maculata considered as a consequence of shifting predation behaviour.presence or absence of light is considered to significantly affect predation within freshwater communities. in relation to light regime, the scope of the present study is to identify proximate factors accounting for different rates of predation in juvenile notonecta maculata. it has been shown that foraging of juvenile n. maculata on daphnia magna is reduced under dark conditions. these differences are accounted for by the presence/absence of light and are not regulated by any endogenous circadi ...201020637269
size-selective dispersal of daphnia resting eggs by backswimmers (notonecta maculata).freshwater zooplankton is increasingly used to study effects of dispersal on community and metacommunity structure. yet, it remains unclear how zooplankton disperses. clearly, birds and wind play a significant role as zooplankton dispersal agents, but they may not always be the main vectors. this experimental study shows that a cosmopolitan aquatic insect, notonecta, can be an important vector of cladoceran resting eggs (ephippia). dispersing notonecta frequently transported ephippia during flig ...200818628115
checklist and distribution of the family notonectidae in romania, with the first record of notonecta maculata fabricius, 1794 (hemiptera: heteroptera: nepomorpha).notonecta maculata fabricius, 1794 is recorded for the first time from romania. five species belonging to the genus notonecta linnaeus, 1758 and one to the genus anisops spinola, 1837 are now recorded from this country. the occurrence of anisops sardeus sardeus herrich-schaeffer, 1849 and n. meridionalis poisson, 1923 is confirmed by additional records. a checklist of the notonectidae of romania and updated distribution maps are provided.201325243278
checklist of water bugs (hemiptera: heteroptera: nepomorpha, gerromorpha) of slovakia.the water bugs represent a significant component of the freshwater biota, play an important role in trophic webs, and may have considerable economic importance. nevertheless, systematic research of this group has been underdeveloped in slovakia (central europe) for decades. this work presents a list of water bug species of slovakia based on an exhaustive review of the literature (time span: 1808-2013) and on more than 14,000 individuals collected during extensive field campaigns (2010-2014) or o ...201526701521
body size-mediated starvation resistance in an insect predator.individual organisms have to endure transient periods of low-food supply with consequences for growth, reproduction and survival. to resist starvation, animals usually store resources in their bodies: the larger the animals are, the more resources they can carry, but the more energy they need to allocate for maintaining bodily functions. it is unclear how survival relates to body size when food is scarce or absent, and how to characterize individual differences in survival within a population. w ...201424417336
a canonical discriminant analysis of post-embryonic development in notonecta maculata fabricius (insecta:heteroptera).a multivariate method, canonical discriminant analysis, was used to discern a pattern of growth in notonecta maculata. a stepwise procedure reduced the 11 metrical characters measured on individuals of both sexes, from the 1st larval stage to the adult, to 4 significant variates which were used in the canonical analysis. the four canonical variates accounted for the meaningful part of the variablity. relying on bivariate allometry and on an experimentation with a juvenile hormone analogue, each ...19751158172
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