
ultrastructure of the midgut in heteroptera (hemiptera) with different feeding habits.heteroptera have diverse feeding habits with phytophagous, zoophagous, and haematophagous species. this dietary diversity associated with the monophyly of heteroptera makes these insects a good object for comparative studies of the digestive tract. this work compares the ultrastructure of the middle midgut region in the phytophagous coptosoma scutellatum (plataspidae), graphosoma lineatum (pentatomidae), kleidocerys resedae (lygaeidae), and zoophagous rhynocoris iracundus (reduviidae), nabis rug ...201728064339
facultative sperm storage in response to nutritional status in a female insect.we investigated sperm storage by females of a predatory bug, nabis rugosus, before and after hibernation and with regard to nutritional status. in the field, females had more sperm available before than after hibernation. food-deprived females maintained fewer sperm than fed females before but not after hibernation. however, after hibernation food-deprived females suppressed egg production rather than decreasing sperm-storage efficiency. because mated females did not exhibit increased overwinter ...200312952635
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