
contribution to the knowledge of culicoides (diptera: ceratopogonidae) host preferences in france.knowledge on host-feeding pattern of blood-sucking insects helps to understand the epidemiology of a vector-born disease. we determined blood meal origin from blood-fed culicoides thanks to molecular techniques. a set of primers was used to selectively amplify segment of vertebrates' prepronociceptin gene from abdomen of engorged culicoides (diptera: ceratopogonidae). vertebrate dna was successfully amplified in 91% of blood-fed culicoides assayed. direct sequencing and comparison of resultant s ...201020967462
the culicoides 'snapshot': a novel approach used to assess vector densities widely and rapidly during the 2006 outbreak of bluetongue (bt) in the netherlands.a novel method was developed and implemented during the recent outbreak of bluetongue (bt) in sheep and cattle in the netherlands to obtain rapidly a 'snapshot' of culicoides vector densities at the national level. the country was divided into 110 raster cells, each measuring 20 km x 20 km; within 106 of these cells, a farm was selected with a minimum of 10 cattle and sampled for culicoides for one night only using the onderstepoort-type blacklight trap. prior to deployment of the light traps in ...200818657871
phenology and attraction of potential culicoides vectors of bluetongue virus in basque country (northern spain).bluetongue virus is transmitted by culicoides biting midges (diptera: ceratopogonidae). culicoides associated with livestock were captured using cdc blacklight traps at three btv-infected farms in basque country between november 2007 and december 2008. twenty-seven and nineteen culicoides species were collected in outdoor and indoor habitats respectively. indoor insect community represented 86.1% of the whole captured individual biting midges. culicoides obsoletus/culicoides scoticus (two siblin ...201122137350
culicoides trapping with rothamsted suction traps before and during the bluetongue epidemic of 2006 in belgium.the collection of biting midges was taking place some months before the first bluetongue outbreak in belgium in august 2006. the walloon agricultural research centre had been monitoring aphid populations at two sites annually in belgium (gembloux and libramont), using two stationary '12-m' rothamsted suction traps. for the gembloux trap, collections of insects captured daily from 11 may 2006 onwards were already available at the time of the outbreak. an examination of these samples revealed the ...200818640735
flight and swarming behaviour of culicoides species (diptera: ceratopogonidae) on a livestock farm in northern spain.the efficacy of sweep nets and a cdc white light-suction trap for the sampling of culicoides species (diptera: ceratopogonidae) were compared on a livestock farm in northern spain during the summer of 2013. a total of 6,082 specimens representing 26 species were collected with sweep nets in 4 areas at di erent heights (ground level, 1.5 m, and 3 m), and 8,463 specimens representing 28 species with a single white light trap. eight species - culicoides brunnicans, culicoides punctatus, culicoides ...201728675253
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