
experimental infections of oryzomys couesi with sympatric arboviruses from mexico.coues rice rat (oryzomys couesi), a species abundant throughout central america, was evaluated experimentally for the ability to serve as an amplifying host for three arboviruses: patois (bunyaviridae, orthobunyavirus), nepuyo (orthobunyavirus), and venezuelan equine encephalitis virus subtype id (togaviridae, alphavirus). these three viruses have similar ecologies and are known to co-circulate in nature. animals from all three cohorts survived infection and developed viremia with no apparent si ...201020134016
experimental infection of potential reservoir hosts with venezuelan equine encephalitis virus, 1993, an outbreak of encephalitis among 125 affected equids in coastal chiapas, mexico, resulted in a 50% case-fatality rate. the outbreak was attributed to venezuelan equine encephalitis virus (veev) subtype ie, not previously associated with equine disease and death. to better understand the ecology of this veev strain in chiapas, we experimentally infected 5 species of wild rodents and evaluated their competence as reservoir and amplifying hosts. rodents from 1 species (baiomys musculus) s ...200919331726
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