
short report: a focus of leishmania mexicana near tucson, arizona.twenty-eight white-throated woodrats (neotoma albigula) collected in pima county, arizona were screened for leishmania using culture and the polymerase chain reaction (pcr). two rodents were culture positive. isoenzyme analysis determined the isolates to be leishmania mexicana. the two culture-positive and four additional rodents were determined to be leishmania-positive by the pcr. these isolates extend the geographic and ecologic range of enzootic leishmaniasis in the united states and represe ...199910497974
occurrence of lutzomyia anthophora (diptera: psychodidae) in arizona.males and females of lutzomyia anthophora addis were collected by vacuum aspiration from woodrat, neotoma albigula hartley, and rock squirrel, citellus variegatus bailey, nests along arivaca creek in pima county, arizona. additional flies were collected from the same location using cdc miniature light traps supplemented with co2. these collections extend the recorded geographic distribution of this vector of leishmania mexicana biagi westward by approximately 724 km and place lu. anthophora in a ...19957473634
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