
an emerging mycoplasma associated with trichomoniasis, vaginal infection and disease.humans are colonized by thousands of bacterial species, but it is difficult to assess the metabolic and pathogenic potential of the majority of these because they have yet to be cultured. here, we characterize an uncultivated vaginal mycoplasma tightly associated with trichomoniasis that was previously known by its 16s rrna sequence as "mnola." in this study, the mycoplasma was found almost exclusively in women infected with the sexually transmitted pathogen trichomonas vaginalis, but rarely obs ...201425337710
trichomonas vaginalis infection in symbiosis with trichomonasvirus and mycoplasma.trichomonas vaginalis is a protozoan with an extracellular obligatory parasitic lifestyle exclusively adapted to the human urogenital tract and responsible for nearly a quarter billion sexually transmitted infections worldwide each year. this review focuses on symbiotic trichomonasvirus and mycoplasma carried by the protozoan, their molecular features and their role in altering the human vaginal microbiome and the immunopathogenicity of the parasite. improved diagnostics and larger clinical inte ...201728366838
detecting the diversity of mycoplasma and ureaplasma endosymbionts hosted by trichomonas vaginalis isolates.objectives: the symbiosis of trichomonas vaginalis and mycoplasma hominis is the first described association between two obligate human parasites. trichomonas is the niche and the vector for the transmission of m. hominis infection. this clinically significant symbiosis may affect t. vaginalis virulence and susceptibility to treatment. the aims of this study were to investigate the intracellularly present mycoplasma and ureaplasma species in t. vaginalis strains isolated from the vaginal dischar ...201728702014
candidatus mycoplasma girerdii replicates, diversifies, and co-occurs with trichomonas vaginalis in the oral cavity of a premature infant.genital mycoplasmas, which can be vertically transmitted, have been implicated in preterm birth, neonatal infections, and chronic lung disease of prematurity. our prior work uncovered 16s rrna genes belonging to a novel, as-yet-uncultivated mycoplasma (lineage 'mnola') in the oral cavity of a premature neonate. here, we characterize the organism's associated community, growth status, metabolic potential, and population diversity. sequencing of genomic dna from the infant's saliva yielded 1.44 gb ...201728630471
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