
emerging infectious diseases.over the last two decades, there has been the emergence of previously unknown infectious diseases and the re-emergence of diseases thought to be in decline. this is the result of social, economic, political and ecological factors, and the interactions of organisms, hosts and the environment. in recent years, australia has experienced a number of significant outbreaks of emerging diseases such as bat paramyxovirus and escherichia coli o111, and there has been a resurgence of vaccine-preventable d ...19979115126
menangle virus, a pteropid bat paramyxovirus infectious for pigs and humans, exhibits tropism for secondary lymphoid organs and intestinal epithelium in weaned pigs.this study is the first report of experimental infection and transmission of menangle virus (menpv) in pigs. isolated in 1997 from piglets that were stillborn at a large commercial piggery in new south wales, australia, menpv is a recently identified paramyxovirus of bat origin that causes severe reproductive disease in pigs and an influenza-like illness, with a rash, in humans. although successfully eradicated from the infected piggery, the virus was only isolated from affected fetuses and stil ...201222278823
type iii ifns in pteropid bats: differential expression patterns provide evidence for distinct roles in antiviral immunity.bats are known to harbor a number of emerging and re-emerging zoonotic viruses, many of which are highly pathogenic in other mammals but result in no clinical symptoms in bats. the ability of bats to coexist with viruses may be the result of rapid control of viral replication early in the immune response. ifns provide the first line of defense against viral infection in vertebrates. type iii ifns (ifn-?s) are a recently identified ifn family that share similar antiviral activities with type i if ...201121278349
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