
avian tuberculosis in naturally infected captive water birds of the ardeideae and threskiornithidae families studied by serotyping, is901 rflp typing, and virulence for poultry.avian tuberculosis was detected in one flock of 38 water birds of the families ardeideae (n = 20) and threskiornithidae (n = 18). mycobacterium avium subsp. avium (maa, serotype 1, genotype is901+ and is1245+) was more often (p = 0.01) detected in tissue and/or faecal samples in 18 (90.0%) birds form the ardeideae family: little egret (egretta garzetta), buff-backed heron (bubulcus ibis), great white egret (egretta alba), and bittern (botaurus stellaris) in comparison to two (11.1%) birds from t ...200717056210
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