
hybrid advantage in skin peptide immune defenses of water frogs (pelophylax esculentus) at risk from emerging pathogens.heterogeneity in immune defense effectors can benefit hosts encountering a variety of parasites and pathogens. antimicrobial peptides (amps) are a diverse set of immune defense effectors in many amphibians, and are secreted from dermal granular glands to protect the skin from infection. over 50 different skin peptides have been reported from the european water frog hybridogenic complex (pelophylax esculentus complex), consisting of the hybrid p. esculentus, and the parent species pelophylax less ...201222940461
survey of turkey's endemic amphibians for chytrid fungus batrachochytrium dendrobatidis.we report a new survey for batrachochytrium dendrobatidis (bd) in turkey. we swabbed 228 individuals of 7 amphibian species (from 5 families) living in 2 locations (26-august national park and the turkish lakes district) in the southwestern anatolian region. the infection intensity of all the samples was determined using quantitative pcr. all 4 amphibian breeding sites and 4 amphibian species in 26-august national park were infected by bd, with the prevalence at each site ranging from 8 to 29%. ...201425266902
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