
flavobacterium akiainvivens sp. nov., from decaying wood of wikstroemia oahuensis, hawai'i, and emended description of the genus flavobacterium.strain ik-1(t) was isolated from decaying tissues of the shrub wikstroemia oahuensis collected on o'ahu, hawai'i. cells were rods that stained gram-negative. gliding motility was not observed. the strain was oxidase-negative and catalase-positive. zeaxanthin was the major carotenoid. flexirubin-type pigments were not detected. the most abundant fatty acids in whole cells of ik-1(t) grown on r2a were iso-c(15:0) and one or both of c(16:1)ω7c and c(16:1)ω6c. based on comparisons of the nucleotide ...201323475344
flavobacterium shanxiense sp. nov., isolated from soil.strain yf-2(t), a gram-staining-negative, non-motile, non-spore-forming, light-yellow-pigmented bacterium, was isolated from soil samples collected in the city of yuncheng, shanxi province of china. strain yf-2(t) grew over a temperature range of 25-37 °c, at ph 5.0-8.0 and with 0-5 % (w/v) nacl. phylogenetic analysis based on sequence of the 16s rrna gene showed that strain yf-2(t) was closely related to strains flavobacterium akiainvivens cip 110358(t) and flavobacterium hauense kctc 32147(t) ...201525726422
genome sequence of flavobacterium akiainvivens ik-1t, isolated from decaying wikstroemia oahuensis, an endemic hawaiian shrub.flavobacterium spp. have been cultivated from diverse aquatic and terrestrial habitats. f. akiainvivens ik-1(t) was cultivated from decaying wood of wikstroemia oahuensis, an endemic hawaiian shrub. the strain's genome sequence may provide insights into niche adaptation and evolution of the genus in a mid-ocean archipelago.201526494668
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