
development of microsatellite markers for the neotropical endemic brazilian guanabara frog, euparkerella brasiliensis, through 454 shotgun pyrosequencing.the new-generation 454 gs-flx titanium pyrosequencing was used to isolate microsatellite markers for the brazilian guanabara frog, euparkerella brasiliensis, an atlantic forest endemic species. three multiplex polymerase chain reaction sets were optimized for genotyping of 11 polymorphic (di- and tetranucleotide) microsatellite markers. genetic diversity was assessed in 21 individuals from a population (reserva ecológica de guapiaçu, regua) located in the central region of the rio de janeiro sta ...201323408409
parameters from the community of leaf-litter frogs from estação ecológica estadual paraíso, guapimirim, rio de janeiro state, southeastern brazil.we studied the leaf-litter frog community of estação ecológica estadual paraíso, in guapimirim, rio de janeiro state, southeastern brazil. herein we combined three sampling methods (large plots, visual encounter surveys and pit-fall traps) to present data on species composition, richness, relative abundance and densities. the local assemblage of frogs associated to the leaf-litter was composed by 14 species, belonging to nine families. haddadus binotatus, a direct-developing frog, was the most a ...201121971595
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