interspecific variability of prevalence in blood parasites of adult passerine birds during the breeding season in alaska. | blood parasite prevalence based on microscopic examination of stained blood smears was determined in adults of 11 passerine bird species sampled during their breeding season (may and june 1997-98) in interior alaska (usa). these species included primarily nearctic migratory species such as the dark-eyed junco (junco hyemalis) and neotropical migratory species such as the blackpoll warbler (dendroica striata), alder flycatcher (empidonax alnorum), swainson's thrush (catharus ustulatus), northern ... | 2001 | 11272501 |
complete development of three species of haemoproteus (haemosporida, haemoproteidae) in the biting midge culicoides impunctatus (diptera, ceratopogonidae). | development of haemoproteus balmorali, h. dolniki, and h. tartakovskyi was followed in experimentally infected biting midges culicoides impunctatus on the curonian spit in the baltic sea. wild-caught flies were allowed to take blood meals on naturally infected spotted flycatchers muscicapa striata, chaffinches fringilla coelebs, or crossbills loxia curvirostra harboring mature gametocytes of these parasites. the engorged biting midges were collected, held at 14-18 c, and dissected daily. mature ... | 2002 | 12435121 |
Widespread dispersal of Borrelia burgdorferi-infected ticks collected from songbirds across Canada. | Abstract Millions of Lyme disease vector ticks are dispersed annually by songbirds across Canada, but often overlooked as the source of infection. For clarity on vector distribution, we sampled 481 ticks (12 species and 3 undetermined ticks) from 211 songbirds (42 species/subspecies) nationwide. Using PCR, 52 (29.5%) of 176 Ixodes ticks tested were positive for the Lyme disease spirochete, Borrelia burgdorferi s.l. Immature blacklegged ticks, Ixodes scapularis, collected from infested songbird ... | 2011 | 21864130 |
patterns of bird migration phenology in south africa suggest northern hemisphere climate as the most consistent driver of change. | current knowledge of phenological shifts in palearctic bird migration is largely based on data collected on migrants at their breeding grounds; little is known about the phenology of these birds at their nonbreeding grounds, and even less about that of intra-african migrants. because climate change patterns are not uniform across the globe, we can expect regional disparities in bird phenological responses. it is also likely that they vary across species, as species show differences in the streng ... | 2015 | 25640890 |
bird diversity and distribution in relation to urban landscape types in northern rwanda. | using the point count method, linear mixed models, shannon's diversity index, and bray-curtis cluster analysis, we conducted a study of the effect of urban fabric layout on bird diversity and distribution in northern rwanda. the results showed a significant effect of city landscapes on bird richness and relative abundance; residential neighborhoods, institutional grounds, and informal settlements had the highest species diversity in comparison to other microlandscape types. riversides were chara ... | 2014 | 25133203 |
mercury concentrations in bicknell's thrush and other insectivorous passerines in montane forests of northeastern north america. | anthropogenic input of mercury (hg) into the environment has elevated risk to fish and wildlife, particularly in northeastern north america. investigations into the transfer and fate of hg have focused on inhabitants of freshwater aquatic ecosystems, as these are the habitats at greatest risk for methylmercury (mehg) biomagnification. deviating from such an approach, we documented mehg availability in a terrestrial montane ecosystem using a suite of insectivorous passerines. intensive and extens ... | 2005 | 15931968 |
migratory blackpoll warblers (setophaga striata) make regional-scale movements that are not oriented toward their migratory goal during fall. | regional scale movement patterns of songbirds are poorly known largely due to difficulties tracking small organisms at broad scales. using an array of over 100 automated radio telemetry towers, we followed blackpoll warblers (setophaga striata) during fall migration in the gulf of maine region, and assessed how their regional scale movement pathways varied with age, distance to natal origin, and capture date. | 2017 | 28680638 |
adult and hatch-year blackpoll warblers exhibit radically different regional-scale movements during post-fledging dispersal. | using a broad-scale automated telemetry array, we explored post-fledging movements of blackpoll warblers breeding in atlantic canada. we sought to determine the full spatial scale of post-fledging dispersal, to assess support for three hypotheses for regional-scale post-fledging movement, and to determine whether learning influenced movement during this period. we demonstrated that both young and adults moved over distances more than 200 km prior to initiating migration. adults moved southwest, ... | 2015 | 26631243 |
migrating songbirds on stopover prepare for, and recover from, oxidative challenges posed by long-distance flight. | managing oxidative stress is an important physiological function for all aerobic organisms, particularly during periods of prolonged high metabolic activity, such as long-distance migration across ecological barriers. however, no previous study has investigated the oxidative status of birds at different stages of migration and whether that oxidative status depends on the condition of the birds. in this study, we compared (1) energy stores and circulating oxidative status measures in (a) two spec ... | 2015 | 26355277 |
transoceanic migration by a 12 g songbird. | many fundamental aspects of migration remain a mystery, largely due to our inability to follow small animals over vast spatial areas. for more than 50 years, it has been hypothesized that, during autumn migration, blackpoll warblers (setophaga striata) depart northeastern north america and undertake a non-stop flight over the atlantic ocean to either the greater antilles or the northeastern coast of south america. using miniaturized light-level geolocators, we provide the first irrefutable evide ... | 2015 | 25832815 |
length polymorphisms at two candidate genes explain variation of migratory behaviors in blackpoll warblers (setophaga striata). | migratory behaviors such as the timing and duration of migration are genetically inherited and can be under strong natural selection, yet we still know very little about the specific genes or molecular pathways that control these behaviors. studies in candidate genes clock and adcyap1 have revealed that both of these loci can be significantly correlated with migratory behaviors in birds, though observed relationships appear to vary across species. we investigated geographic genetic structure of ... | 2019 | 31410284 |
a boreal songbird's 20,000 km migration across north america and the atlantic ocean. | | 2019 | 30888711 |