
identification of cr1 retroposons in arborophila rufipectus and their application to phasianidae phylogeny.chicken repeat 1 (cr1), a member of non-ltr retroposon, is an important phylogenetic marker in avian systematics. in this study, we reported several characteristics of cr1 elements in a draft genome of arborophila rufipectus (sichuan partridge). according to the analyses of repeatmasker, approximately 254 966 cr1 elements were identified in a. rufipectus, covering 6.7% of the genome. subsequently, we selected eighteen novel cr1 elements by comparing the chicken genome, turkey genome and assemble ...201626929266
[comparative and phylogenomic analyses on mitochondrial genomes of arborophila species].arborophila ardens, an endangered species, has a strict habitat preference and sparse population. in order to further study evolution and phylogenetic relationship of arborophila, the mitochondrial genome (mitogenome) of a. ardens was obtained by illumina hiseq2000 high-throughput sequencing. the comparative genomic analyses were made among four arborophila species, and phylogenetic relationship of arborophila was discussed. the results revealed that: (1) the complete mitogenome of a. ardens is ...201425252309
complete mitochondrial genome of hainan partridge, arborophila ardens (galliformes: phasianidae).the hainan partridge, arborophila ardens belongs to family phasianidae, and distributes only in hainan, china. in this study, the complete mitochondrial genome of a. ardens was first sequenced and characterized. the genome is 16,727 bases in length. bayesian inference, maximum likelihood and maximum parsimony methods were used to construct phylogenetic trees based on 12 concatenated protein-coding genes located on the heavy strand. phylogenetic analyses further confirm the arborophila placed at ...201423795844
coupling genetic and species distribution models to examine the response of the hainan partridge (arborophila ardens) to late quaternary climate.understanding the historical dynamics of animal species is critical for accurate prediction of their response to climate changes. during the late quaternary period, southeast asia had a larger land area than today due to lower sea levels, and its terrestrial landscape was covered by extensive forests and savanna. to date, however, the distribution fluctuation of vegetation and its impacts on genetic structure and demographic history of local animals during the last glacial maximum (lgm) are stil ...201223185599
female crowing and differential responses to simulated conspecific intrusion in male and female hainan partridge (arborophila ardens).vocalizations of hainan partridges (arborophila ardens) during the breeding season were studied, by making use of playback experiments, in yinggeling nature reserve, hainan island, china. both males and females were found to crow and to produce duet calls during the breeding season, and there was a sex difference in crowing as shown by spectrogram analyses. both sexes responded strongly to simulated intrusion from pairs of conspecifics. however, it was found that males responded to intrasexual i ...201121466341
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