
exposure of resident sparrows to west nile virus evidenced in south tunisia.during the last few years, several cases of west nile virus (wnv) infection in humans have been reported in tunisia. however, detailed information on wnv infection in wild birds, the primary amplifying host of wnv, are lacking. in this work, we investigated the exposure of wild sparrows (hybrid passer domesticus × hispaniolensis) living in two oases in southern tunisia (gabès and kébili oases) to wnv, through the detection of wnv-specific antibodies by using elisa and microneutralization tests. ...201525994421
mapping the serological prevalence rate of west nile fever in equids, tunisia.west nile fever (wnf) is a viral disease of wild birds transmitted by mosquitoes. humans and equids can also be affected and suffer from meningoencephalitis. in tunisia, two outbreaks of wnf occurred in humans in 1997 and 2003; sporadic cases were reported on several other years. small-scale serological surveys revealed the presence of antibodies against wn virus (wnv) in equid sera. however, clinical cases were never reported in equids, although their population is abundant in tunisia. this stu ...201523906318
emerging vector-borne diseases in dromedaries in tunisia: west nile, bluetongue, epizootic haemorrhagic disease and rift valley fever.a total of 118 sera were collected during 2016 from two groups of dromedaries from kebili and medenine governorates in the south of tunisia. the aim of this study was to provide the first serological investigation of four emerging vector-borne diseases in two groups of dromedaries in tunisia. sera were tested by elisa and serum neutralisation test to identify west nile virus (wnv), bluetongue virus (btv), epizootic haemorrhagic disease virus (ehdv) and rift valley fever virus (rvfv). in the firs ...201728397519
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