
molecular evidence for bacterial and protozoan pathogens in hard ticks from romania.the aim of the present study was to provide a preliminary insight into the diversity of tick-borne pathogens circulating at the domestic host-tick interface in romania. for this, feeding and questing ticks were analyzed by real-time polymerase chain reaction (pcr) for the presence of anaplasma phagocytophilum, anaplasma platys, ehrlichia canis, borrelia burgdorferi sensu latu, and by pcr and subsequent sequencing for rickettsia spp., babesia spp. and theileria spp. a total of 382 ticks, encompas ...201323428204
molecular epidemiological surveillance to assess emergence and re-emergence of tick-borne infections in tick samples from china evaluated by nested investigation was performed to detect eight pathogens in ticks collected from grass tips or animals in the southern, central and northeast regions of china. dna samples extracted from ticks were collected from ten different locations in eight provinces of china and subjected to screening for tick-borne pathogens, including borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato, ehrlichia spp., rickettsia spp., babesia/theileria spp., ehrlichia ruminantium, coxiella burnetii, and francisella tularensis, using nested ...201626943995
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