
plasmodium relictum (lineages psgs1 and pgrw11): complete synchronous sporogony in mosquitoes culex pipiens pipiens.plasmodium relictum is a widespread invasive agent of avian malaria, responsible for acute, chronic and debilitating diseases in many species of birds. recent pcr-based studies revealed astonishing genetic diversity of avian malaria parasites (genus plasmodium), with numerous genetic lineages deposited in genbank. many studies addressed distribution and evolutionary relationships of avian plasmodium lineages, but information about patterns of development of different lineages in mosquito vectors ...201323337824
plasmodium relictum (lineage sgs1) and plasmodium ashfordi (lineage grw2): the effects of the co-infection on experimentally infected passerine birds.the effects of avian malaria parasites of the genus plasmodium on their hosts are insufficiently understood. this is particularly true for malarial co-infections, which predominant in many bird populations. we investigated effects of primary co-infection of plasmodium relictum (lineage sgs1) and plasmodium ashfordi (grw2) on experimentally infected naive juveniles of siskin spinus spinus, crossbill loxia curvirostra and starling sturnus vulgaris. all siskins and crossbills were susceptible but s ...201021050849
plasmodium relictum (lineage p-sgs1): effects on experimentally infected passerine birds.we evaluated the effects of plasmodium relictum (lineage p-sgs1), which is a host generalist, to five species of passerine birds. light infection of p. relictum was isolated from a naturally infected adult reed warbler acrocephalus scirpaceus. the parasites were inoculated to naive juveniles of the chaffinch fringilla coelebs, common crossbill loxia curvirostra, house sparrow passer domesticus, siskin spinus spinus and starling sturnus vulgaris. susceptibility of these birds to the infection of ...200818809402
genomic resources notes accepted 1 june 2013-31 july 2013.this article documents the public availability of (i) raw transcriptome sequence data, assembled contigs and uniprot blast hits from common crossbill (loxia curvirostra) and plasmodium relictum (lineage sgs1) obtained from a controlled infection experiment; and (ii) raw transcriptome sequence data and 66 596 snps for the white-tailed deer (odocoileus virginianus).201424330193
does avian malaria infection affect feather stable isotope signatures?it is widely accepted that stable isotope ratios in inert tissues such as feather keratin reflect the dietary isotopic signature at the time of the tissue synthesis. however, some elements such as stable nitrogen isotopes can be affected by individual physiological state and nutritional stress. using malaria infection experiment protocols, we estimated the possible effect of malaria parasite infections on feather carbon (+¦(13)c) and nitrogen (+¦(15)n) isotope signatures in juvenile common cross ...201121671039
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