
coronaviruses in poultry and other birds.the number of avian species in which coronaviruses have been detected has doubled in the past couple of years. while the coronaviruses in these species have all been in coronavirus group 3, as for the better known coronaviruses of the domestic fowl (infectious bronchitis virus [ibv], in gallus gallus), turkey (meleagris gallopavo) and pheasant (phasianus colchicus), there is experimental evidence to suggest that birds are not limited to infection with group 3 coronaviruses. in china coronaviruse ...200516537157
broadly targeted multiprobe qpcr for detection of coronaviruses: coronavirus is common among mallard ducks (anas platyrhynchos).coronaviruses (covs) can cause trivial or fatal disease in humans and in animals. detection methods for a wide range of covs are needed, to understand viral evolution, host range, transmission and maintenance in reservoirs. a new concept, "multiprobe qpcr", which uses a balanced mixture of competing discrete non- or moderately degenerated nuclease degradable (taqman) probes was employed. it provides a broadly targeted and rational single tube real-time reverse transcription pcr ("nqpcr") for the ...200919406168
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