
pharmacokinetics of miltefosine in old world cutaneous leishmaniasis patients.the pharmacokinetics of miltefosine in leishmaniasis patients are, to a great extent, unknown. we examined and characterized the pharmacokinetics of miltefosine in a group of patients with old world (leishmania major) cutaneous leishmaniasis. miltefosine plasma concentrations were determined in samples taken during and up to 5 months after the end of treatment from 31 dutch military personnel who contracted cutaneous leishmaniasis in afghanistan and were treated with 150 mg miltefosine/day for 2 ...200818519729
miltefosine treatment of leishmania major infection: an observational study involving dutch military personnel returning from northern a retrospective, observational study involving 34 patients with leishmania major infection, 31 of whom had experienced unsuccessful treatment with intralesional antimony (ilsb(v)), miltefosine proved effective. thirty patients experienced cure after receipt of miltefosine, 3 after receipt of additional ilsb(v), and 1 after 28 daily intravenous injections of antimony. temporary diminution of ejaculate volume was reported by 21 patients.201019951107
cutaneous leishmaniasis (leishmania major infection) in dutch troops deployed in northern afghanistan: epidemiology, clinical aspects, and treatment.cutaneous leishmaniasis caused by leishmania major infection affected 172 (18.3%) of 938 dutch military troops deployed in northern afghanistan in 2005. the high attack rate was a result of initial insufficient availability of means of prevention and insufficient adherence to preventive measures. at presentation, the lymphatic system was involved in 24.8%. treatment with intralesional injections of antimony with or without cryotherapy was satisfactory, but 19.5% of patients received secondary tr ...201021118937
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