
metabolic network analysis predicts efficacy of fda-approved drugs targeting the causative agent of a neglected tropical biology holds promise as a new approach to drug target identification and drug discovery against neglected tropical diseases. genome-scale metabolic reconstructions, assembled from annotated genomes and a vast array of bioinformatics/biochemical resources, provide a framework for the interrogation of human pathogens and serve as a platform for generation of future experimental hypotheses. in this article, with the application of selection criteria for both leishmania major targets (e.g. ...201222540944
identification and genetic comparison of leishmanial parasites causing viscerotropic and cutaneous disease in soldiers returning from operation desert storm.six leishmania major and seven l. tropica parasites were isolated and identified from participants in operation desert shield/storm. a complete enzyme analysis (21 enzymes) revealed that there was enzyme polymorphism among the isolates of each species group. any one desert storm l. major isolate could differ from any other for 1-3 enzymes, and any l. tropica isolate could differ from any one other for up to eight enzymes. enzyme polymorphism data from other l. major and l. tropica isolates from ...19938372957
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