
[ecology and the genetic structure of sympatric leishmania species circulating in the intra-continental deserts of the south palaearctic region].a pcr fingerprinting approach with single non-specific primers--(gtg)5 and t3b--was apply to investigate variations in the genotyping of three species of leishmania species within the rhombomys opimus area. forty-three strains of leishmania major, l. turanica, and l. gerbilli circulating among great gerbils in turkmenistan, uzbekistan, kazakhstan, and mongolia were examined. pcr fingerprint revealed a high genetic intraspecific heterogeneity among l. turanica strains. three groups of strains wer ...200314564836
natural focality of zoonotic cutaneous leishmaniasis in the mongolian people's republic; results and objectives of integrated the summer 1976, natural foci of zoonotic cutaneous leishmaniasis were discovered by the authors on the territory of the mongolian people's republic. in 1976-1983 the integrated research of these foci was conducted and maps of a structure of the geographical range of the pathogen were compiled taking into account the peculiarities of distribution of its carriers and vectors. great gerbils are the only identified vertebrate hosts of leishmania and their infection rate comes up to 100% in singl ...19873583127
[natural foci of zoonotic cutaneous leishmaniasis in central asia and the problems of the district division of the geographical range of leishmania major]. 1978672776
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