
an epidemiological study of cutaneous leishmaniasis in al-jabal al-gharbi, libya.cutaneous leishmaniasis (cl) is an endemic parasitic infection in the mediterranean region, including libya and its al-jabal al-gharbi province. we aimed at studying the occupational relevance as well as other epidemiological aspects of cl. we investigated 140 cl cases who attended at gharyan outpatient polyclinic during a period of 6 months in 2009. cl infection was clinically diagnosed and confirmed by demonstration of leishmania parasites on smears from lesions. our findings showed that males ...201323467624
first molecular epidemiological study of cutaneous leishmaniasis in libya.cutaneous leishmaniasis (cl) is a major public health problem in libya. the objective of this study was to investigate, for the first time, epidemiological features of cl outbreaks in libya including molecular identification of parasites, the geographical distribution of cases and possible scenarios of parasite transmission.201222724036
coarse-resolution ecology of etiological agent, vector, and reservoirs of zoonotic cutaneous leishmaniasis in libya.cutaneous leishmaniasis ranks among the tropical diseases least known and most neglected in libya. world health organization reports recognized associations of phlebotomus papatasi, psammomys obesus, and meriones spp., with transmission of zoonotic cutaneous leishmaniasis (zcl; caused by leishmania major) across libya. here, we map risk of zcl infection based on occurrence records of l. major, p. papatasi, and four potential animal reservoirs (meriones libycus, meriones shawi, psammomys obesus, ...201626863317
efficacy of light and nonlighted carbon dioxide-baited traps for adult sand fly (diptera: psychodidae) surveillance in three counties of mesrata, libya.abstract. sand flies are important vectors of cutaneous leishmaniasis, especially along coastal towns of northwestern libya where an estimated 20,000 cases have occurred from 2004 to 2009. host-seeking traps are an important tool for sampling sand fly populations and surveying the incidence of leishmania major and l. tropica within a given population. we evaluated the capture efficiency of co2-baited bg-sentinel, centers for disease control and prevention (cdc) light, cdc ultraviolet light, and ...201223833897
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