
isoenzyme characterization of 112 leishmania isolates from french guiana.112 leishmania isolates, obtained in french guiana from human lesions, phlebotomine sandflies and wild mammals, were characterized by isoenzyme electrophoresis. leishmania braziliensis guyanensis and l. mexicana amazonensis were found parasitizing different natural hosts. l.b. guyanensis was the dominant species (103 isolates) responsible for most of the human lesions (96.7%). based on variations observed in 2 enzymes, 3 distinct zymodemes were distinguished within the l.b. guyanensis taxon.19892617620
[note on the relations between vectors of leishmaniasis and forest trees in french guiana].the study of relationships between phlebotomine sandflies and different species of trees, 0 to 1.5 m above ground, was carried out in the french guiana forest. we found that certain forest trees are more propitious than others to the development or maintenance of certain leishmaniasis vectors. lu. umbratilis, vector of leishmania braziliensis guyanensis, represents between 28 and 88% of samples collected on trunks. the association of lu. umbratilis and lu. rorotaensis represents between 58 and 9 ...19863813430
[leishmania braziliensis vianna, 1911 s. st., in french guiana]. 19863813437
french guiana must be recognized as an endemic area of leishmania (viannia) braziliensis in south america. 19957570865
[leishmania (viannia) braziliensis vianna, 1911 in french guiana. clinical, therapeutic and epidemiological considerations in the ninth human diagnosed case].the authors report the ninth case of cutaneous leishmaniasis without mucosal involvement due to leishmania (viannia) braziliensis (isoenzymatic profile related to zymodeme mon-44) diagnosed in a legionnaire who recently arrived in french guiana. the skin lesion as a single ulcerated nodule of the dorsum of the left ringfinger was cured after two courses of four intramuscular injections of pentamidine isothionate (total posology of pentamidine-base: 16.6 mg/kg). the transmission occurred during n ...19969264733
influence of clinical presentation on the efficacy of a short course of pentamidine in the treatment of cutaneous leishmaniasis in french guiana.the cure 'rates' achieved using intramuscular pentamidine isethionate (two injections of 4 mg/kg separated by an interval of 48 h) were investigated in french guiana, in 198 consecutive patients with cutaneous leishmaniasis caused by leishmania braziliensis guyanensis. one aim was to see if initial clinical presentation could be used to predict treatment failure. the cure rate after one course of pentamidine isethionate was 87% and almost all (80%) of the treatment failures responded to an ident ...200111454242
[outbreak of cutaneous leishmaniasis in military population coming back from french guiana].an outbreak of cutaneous leishmaniasis occurred among 71 soldiers who had participated in various missions during a 4-month's period in french guiana. the aims of this study were (i) to describe outbreak and (ii) to determine risk factors of cutaneous leishmaniasis.200616902382
phlebotomine sand flies (diptera: psychodidae) associated with changing patterns in the transmission of the human cutaneous leishmaniasis in french guiana.between march 2000 and december 2001 a survey of the sand flies (diptera: phlebotominae) of french guiana was carried out during 14 nights of captures with cdc light-traps and malaise traps, and resulted in the collection of 2245 individuals of 38 species. the most abundant species were lutzomyia (trichophoromyia) ininii floch & abonnenc, lu.(psychodopygus) squamiventris maripaensis floch & abonnenc, and lu .(nyssomyia) flaviscutellata mangabeira. half of the collected sand flies females were di ...200717293996
leishmania spp. identification by polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis and its applications in french guiana.leishmania (viannia) guyanensis was for many years the only species commonly identified in french guiana, but precise species identifications were quite rare. we describe a new restriction fragment length polymorphism-polymerase chain reaction technique using a 615-bp fragment of the rna polymerase ii gene and 2 restriction enzymes, tspri and hgai. seven reference strains (leishmania (leishmania) amazonensis, leishmania (viannia) lainsoni, leishmania (viannia) braziliensis, l. (v.) guyanensis, l ...201019782495
first clinical case of cutaneous leishmaniasis due to leishmania (viannia) braziliensis in a domestic cat from french guiana.we report the first case of natural infection of a domestic female cat (felis catus) by leishmania (viannia) braziliensis in french guiana. the infected animal had a cutaneous ulcer on the nose and nodules of different sizes in the ears. the diagnosis was confirmed by molecular analysis of cutaneous samples that detected the presence of leishmania parasites and allowed identifying the leishmania (viannia) braziliensis species. the discovery of a cat infected by l. (v.) braziliensis suggests the ...201121570189
Reproductive strategies and population structure in Leishmania: substantial amount of sex in Leishmania Viannia guyanensis.Leishmania species of the subgenus Viannia and especially Leishmania Viannia guyanensis are responsible for a large proportion of New World leishmaniasis cases. Since a recent publication on Leishmania Viannia braziliensis, the debate on the mode of reproduction of Leishmania parasites has been reopened. A predominant endogamic reproductive mode (mating with relatives), together with strong Wahlund effects (sampling of strains from heterogeneous subpopulations), was indeed evidenced. To determin ...201121722225
prevalence and distribution of leishmania rna virus 1 in leishmania parasites from french south america, the presence of the leishmania rna virus type 1 (lrv1) was described in leishmania guyanensis and leishmania braziliensis strains. the aim of this study was to determine the prevalence distribution of lrv1 in leishmania isolates in french guiana given that, in this french overseas department, most leishmania infections are due to these parasite species. the presence of the virus was observed in 74% of leishmania spp. isolates, with a highest presence in the internal areas of th ...201626598572
outbreak of leishmania braziliensis cutaneous leishmaniasis, saül, french guiana. 201525897573
molecular epidemiology of leishmania (viannia) guyanensis in french guiana.little information is available about the genetic variability of leishmania populations and the possible correlations with ecoepidemiological features of leishmaniases. the present study was carried out in french guiana, a country where cutaneous leishmaniases (cl) are endemic over the whole territory. the genetic polymorphism of a nuclear sequence encompassing the end of the ribosomal small subunit and the internal transcribed spacer 1 of 265 isolates from patients with cl was examined by restr ...200616455900
epidemiology of leishmaniasis in french guiana.lutzomyia umbratilis is confirmed as the vector of leishmania braziliensis guyanensis, the cause of "pian bois" in man in french guiana. although spending most of the year in the forest canopy, this sandfly is abundant at ground level for about two weeks at the beginning of the long rainy season. the maximum number of infective bites per man per hour (3.9) was reached at the end of november 1979. infections were found in one of seven potos flavus, seven of 15 choleopus didactylus and two of 19 r ...19827080142
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