
an integrated pipeline for the development of novel panels of mapped microsatellite markers for leishmania donovani complex, leishmania braziliensis and leishmania major.a panel of microsatellites mapped to the leishmania genome might make it possible to find associations between specific loci and phenotypic traits. to identify such loci, a perl programme was written that scans the sequence of a genome and writes all loci containing microsatellites to a mysql database. the programme was applied to the sequences of the l. braziliensis, l. infantum and l. major genomes. the database is publicly available over the internet: ...200818371241
detection and molecular identification of leishmania rna virus (lrv) in iranian leishmania species.leishmania rna virus (lrv) was first detected in members of the subgenus leishmania (viannia), and later, the virulence and metastasis of the new world species were attributed to this virus. the data on the presence of lrv in old world species are confined to leishmania major and a few leishmania aethiopica isolates. the aim of this study was to survey the presence of lrv in various iranian leishmania species originating from patients and animal reservoir hosts. genomic nucleic acids were extrac ...201627604119
three leishmania/l. species--l. infantum, l. major, l. tropica--as causative agents of mucosal leishmaniasis in iran.cases of human oro-mucosal leishmaniasis are mainly reported in areas where leishmania (viannia) braziliensis perpetuates and the damages are mainly located at the cartilaginous nasal septum and frontal portions of the nasal fossa. in iran, an area free of any l.(v) braziliensis, three leishmania species are known to perpetuate through distinct (i) blood-feeding sand flies and (ii) rodents or (iii) canidae. thus while establishing the diagnosis of any human oro-mucosal lesions, three leishmania ...201323916336
first molecular-based detection of mucocutaneous leishmaniasis caused by leishmania major in iran.mucocutaneous leishmaniasis, which mostly occurs in the new world, is mainly associated with leishmania braziliensis and to a lesser degree l. panamensis and l. amazonensis infections. primary mucosal leishmaniasis is very rare in iran in spite of high prevalence of cutaneous and visceral leishmanisis. a nine-year-old boy had cutaneous leishmaniaisis for five years involving the left side of his face; he then developed swelling and ulceration of the lip and left side buccal mucosa five months be ...201323669431
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