
host and viral traits predict zoonotic spillover from mammals.the majority of human emerging infectious diseases are zoonotic, with viruses that originate in wild mammals of particular concern (for example, hiv, ebola and sars). understanding patterns of viral diversity in wildlife and determinants of successful cross-species transmission, or spillover, are therefore key goals for pandemic surveillance programs. however, few analytical tools exist to identify which host species are likely to harbour the next human virus, or which viruses can cross species ...201728636590
nairobi sheep disease in kenya. the isolation of virus from sheep and goats, ticks and possible maintenance hosts.nairobi sheep disease was seen principally upon movement of susceptible animals into the enzootic areas. this occurred most frequently for marketing purposes near the main centres of population. other outbreaks followed local breakdowns in tick control measures. the disease did not occur in epizootic form during the period under consideration. nairobi sheep disease was isolated from pools of rhipicephalus appendiculatus but not from many pools of other tick species. no virus was isolated from th ...1978701790
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