
phylogenetic analysis of buggy creek virus: evidence for multiple clades in the western great plains, united states of america.we present the first detailed phylogenetic analysis of buggy creek virus (bcrv), a poorly known alphavirus with transmission cycles involving a cimicid swallow bug (oeciacus vicarius) vector and cliff swallows (petrochelidon pyrrhonota) and house sparrows (passer domesticus) as the principal avian hosts. nucleotide sequences of a 2,075-bp viral envelope glycoprotein-coding region, covering the entire pe2 gene, were determined for 33 bcrv isolates taken from swallow bugs at cliff swallow colonies ...200616936062
probable non-vector-borne transmission of zika virus, colorado, usa.clinical and serologic evidence indicate that 2 american scientists contracted zika virus infections while working in senegal in 2008. one of the scientists transmitted this arbovirus to his wife after his return home. direct contact is implicated as the transmission route, most likely as a sexually transmitted infection.201121529401
la crosse virus field detection and vector competence of culex crosse virus (lacv), a leading cause of arboviral pediatric encephalitis in the united states, is emerging in appalachia. here, we report field and laboratory evidence that suggest lacv may be using culex mosquitoes as additional vectors in this region. this bunyavirus was detected by reverse-transcriptase polymerase chain reaction in two pools of culex mosquitoes in southwestern virginia and in six pools in west virginia. to assess vector competence, we offered lacv blood meals to field-coll ...201526175029
from tucson to genomics and transgenics: the vector biology network and the emergence of modern vector biology. 200919333394
the role of hts in drug discovery at the university of michigan.high throughput screening (hts) is an integral part of a highly collaborative approach to drug discovery at the university of michigan. the hts lab is one of four core centers that provide services to identify, produce, screen and follow-up on biomedical targets for faculty. key features of this system are: protein cloning and purification, protein crystallography, small molecule and sirna hts, medicinal chemistry and pharmacokinetics. therapeutic areas that have been targeted include anti-bacte ...024409957
profile of charles m. rice. 201121502493
immune responses of a native and an invasive bird to buggy creek virus (togaviridae: alphavirus) and its arthropod vector, the swallow bug (oeciacus vicarius).invasive species often display different patterns of parasite burden and virulence compared to their native counterparts. these differences may be the result of variability in host-parasite co-evolutionary relationships, the occurrence of novel host-parasite encounters, or possibly innate differences in physiological responses to infection between invasive and native hosts. here we examine the adaptive, humoral immune responses of a resistant, native bird and a susceptible, invasive bird to an a ...201323460922
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