
[mosquito (diptera: culicidae) ecology in natural and artificial breeding places in rural areas of the northern paraná state, brazil. i.--collections from a riverbed].the objective of this study is to identify the culicidae species apt to colonize the waters of a creek with reduced gallery forest in the southern region of brazil. captures were performed using a water insect-collecting net. the following species were captured. aedes crinifer, aedomya squamipennis, anopheles fluminensis, an. intermedius, an. albitarsis, an. argyritarsis, an. evansae, an. strodei, an. oswaldoi, an. triannulatus, chagasia fajardi, culex bidens, cx. group coronator, cx. eduardoi, ...19958539529
seasonal and daily activity patterns of human-biting mosquitoes in a wetland system in argentina.seasonal and daily activity patterns of human-biting mosquitoes were studied in the lower delta of the paraná river from march 2003 to february 2004. monthly captures at four daytime intervals using human volunteers collected 1,289 mosquitoes belonging to 14 species and six genera, with the most frequently captured being ochlerotatus crinifer (49%), psorophoraferox (36%), ochlerotatus serratus (5%), and isostomyia paranensis (3%). oc. crinifer was collected during the four seasons and showed hig ...200718260528
community structure of ground-water breeding mosquitoes driven by land use in a temperate wetland of argentina.wetlands have traditionally been associated with harbouring mosquitoes, but the effect of the land use on their communities has not been thoroughly studied. we characterized the ground-water habitat availability and mosquito species richness and composition during a year-round survey in the predominant land uses (domestic areas, salicaceae plantations, secondary forests and scirpus giganteus marshes) of the paraná lower delta, argentina. each land use presented a characteristically different num ...201121550332
immature mosquitoes from groundwater habitats in a temperate wetland of argentina: environmental associations and seasonal variation of community attributes.we studied the seasonal patterns of 3 community attributes (breeding site index, richness, and diversity) of groundwater mosquito immatures and their associations with meso- and microhabitat factors in the parana lower delta, argentina, from december 2009 to november 2010. monthly collections at 4 sites yielded 2,313 mosquito immatures, belonging to 19 species assigned to 6 genera. immatures developed in a wide range of microenvironmental conditions (water temperature 4.0-30.2 degrees c, ph 5.4- ...201223833894
culicidae (diptera) selection of humans, chickens and rabbits in three different environments in the province of chaco, argentina.studies were conducted to determine the selection of humans, chickens and rabbits by culicidae in three different environments in the province of chaco, argentina. mosquitoes were collected fortnightly using cylindrical metal traps containing animal bait (chickens and rabbits). the mosquitoes were collected between june 2001-may 2002. during the same period and with the same frequency, mosquitoes biting the human operators of the traps were collected during the first 15 min of exposure within di ...023903970
examining new phylogenetic markers to uncover the evolutionary history of early-diverging fungi: comparing mcm7, tsr1 and rrna genes for single- and multi-gene analyses of the kickxellomycotina.the recently recognised protein-coding genes mcm7 and tsr1 have shown significant promise for phylogenetic resolution within the ascomycota and basidiomycota, but have remained unexamined within other fungal groups (except for mucorales). we designed and tested primers to amplify these genes across early-diverging fungal clades, with emphasis on the kickxellomycotina, zygomycetous fungi with characteristic flared septal walls forming pores with lenticular plugs. phylogenetic tree resolution and ...201324027350
environmental predictors of the occurrence of ground water mosquito immatures in the paraná lower delta, argentina.characterizing mosquito larval habitats is essential for understanding the complex interactions between immatures and the biotic and abiotic components of their environment. using generalized linear mixed models, we studied the environmental predictors of the presence of three ubiquitous mosquito species breeding in ground water habitats in the paraná lower delta, argentina. during a year-round survey, 34.1% of the 419 ground water habitats inspected were positive for either culex dolosus s.l. ( ...201121936317
mosquitoes (diptera: culicidae) from crepuscular period in an atlantic forest area in southern brazil.crepuscular period is one of the factors that may influence the biting activity of mosquitoes. many of these insects have a peak activity in this period. the purpose of this study was to investigate the afternoon crepuscular activity of culicidae in a remaining area of atlantic forest in western santa catarina, southern brazil. moreover, the possible influence of abiotic factors, the abundance and species richness were verified. in order to better analyze the influence of crepuscular period in s ...201727383000
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