
[food habits of puma concolor (carnivora: felidae) in the parque nacional natural puracé, colombia].neotropical puma (puma concolor) diet is scarcely known, in particular that of mountain dwelling individuals from northern south america. this is the first study on pumas from the paramo and the first puma diet analysis for colombia. the puma diet was studied from 2007 to 2009 in the puracé national park in the south colombian andes. paramos are unique neotropical high altitude ecosystems which store and regulate water, and are currently threatened by agricultural expansion and climate change. s ...201122017133
systematic relationships of five newly sequenced cervid species.cervid phylogenetics has been puzzling researchers for over 150 years. in recent decades, molecular systematics has provided new input for both the support and revision of the previous results from comparative anatomy but has led to only partial consensus. despite all of the efforts to reach taxon-wide species sampling over the last two decades, a number of cervid species still lack molecular data because they are difficult to access in the wild. by extracting ancient dna from museum specimens, ...201627602278
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