urban forests as hubs for novel zoonosis: blood meal analysis, seasonal variation in culicoides (diptera: ceratopogonidae) vectors, and avian haemosporidians. | culicoides vectors can transmit a diverse array of parasites and are globally distributed. we studied feeding preferences and seasonal variation of culicoides (diptera: ceratopogonidae) vectors in an urban forest of germany to determine whether humans living nearby are readily exposed to vector-borne parasites from wild animals. we used a fragment of the mtdna coi gene to identify hosts from blood meals. we amplified a fragment of the mtdna cyt b to detect haemosporidian infections in culicoides ... | 2013 | 23981661 |
evolution of seasonal transmission patterns in avian blood-borne parasites. | in temperate regions, many vector-borne parasites maximise their transmission prospects by adjusting reproduction to seasonal cycles of host susceptibility and vector availability. nevertheless, in these regions there are areas where environmental conditions are favourable throughout the year, so that parasites could benefit from a year-round transmission strategy. we analysed how different transmission strategies (strict summer transmission, extended summer transmission - including spring and a ... | 2015 | 25957160 |
further observations on in vitro hybridization of hemosporidian parasites: patterns of ookinete development in haemoproteus spp. | increasingly frequent outbreaks of zoonotic infections call for studies of wildlife parasites to reach a better understanding of the mechanisms of host switch, leading to the evolution of new diseases. however, speciation processes have been insufficiently addressed in experimental parasitology studies, primarily due to difficulties in determining and measuring mate-recognition signals in parasites. we investigated patterns of sexual process and ookinete development in avian haemoproteus (paraha ... | 2013 | 22924917 |
molecular phylogenetic analysis of circumnuclear hemoproteids (haemosporida: haemoproteidae) of sylviid birds, with a description of haemoproteus parabelopolskyi sp. nov. | haemoproteus spp., with circumnuclear gametocytes and tentatively belonging to haemoproteus belopolskyi, are widespread and prevalent in warblers belonging to the sylviidae, with numerous mitochondrial cytochrome b (cyt b) lineages detected among them. we sampled the hemoproteids from 6 species of warblers adjacent to the baltic sea. parasites were identified to species based on morphology of their gametocytes, and a segment of the parasite's cyt b gene was sequenced. sixteen mitochondrial cyt b ... | 2007 | 17626364 |
molecular characterization of five widespread avian haemosporidian parasites (haemosporida), with perspectives on the pcr-based detection of haemosporidians in wildlife. | haemosporidians (haemosporida) are cosmopolitan in birds. over 250 species of these blood parasites have been described and named; however, molecular markers remain unidentified for the great majority of them. this is unfortunate because linkage between dna sequences and identifications based on morphological species can provide important information about patterns of transmission, virulence, and evolutionary biology of these organisms. there is an urgent need to remedy this because few experts ... | 2014 | 24728557 |