
the life-cycle and habits of culicoides impunctatus goetghebuer and culicoides obsoletus meigen, together with some observations on the life-cycle of culicoides odibilis austen, culicoides pallidicornis kieffer, culicoides cubita lis edwards and culicoides chiopterus meigen. 194720249294
contribution to the knowledge of culicoides (diptera: ceratopogonidae) host preferences in france.knowledge on host-feeding pattern of blood-sucking insects helps to understand the epidemiology of a vector-born disease. we determined blood meal origin from blood-fed culicoides thanks to molecular techniques. a set of primers was used to selectively amplify segment of vertebrates' prepronociceptin gene from abdomen of engorged culicoides (diptera: ceratopogonidae). vertebrate dna was successfully amplified in 91% of blood-fed culicoides assayed. direct sequencing and comparison of resultant s ...201020967462
some new records of culicoides species (diptera: ceratopogonidae) from iran.biting midges of the genus culicoides act as vectors for important diseases affecting humans and both wild and domestic animals. collection of adult culicoides specimens in the near vicinity of vertebrate hosts is the major part of any bluetongue surveillance plan. there are old records of culicoides species dated from 1963, 1968 and 1975. therefore, it was decided to collect different ceratopogonids members using a light trap.201628032099
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