
contribution to the knowledge of culicoides (diptera: ceratopogonidae) host preferences in france.knowledge on host-feeding pattern of blood-sucking insects helps to understand the epidemiology of a vector-born disease. we determined blood meal origin from blood-fed culicoides thanks to molecular techniques. a set of primers was used to selectively amplify segment of vertebrates' prepronociceptin gene from abdomen of engorged culicoides (diptera: ceratopogonidae). vertebrate dna was successfully amplified in 91% of blood-fed culicoides assayed. direct sequencing and comparison of resultant s ...201020967462
assessment of vector/host contact: comparison of animal-baited traps and uv-light/suction trap for collecting culicoides biting midges (diptera: ceratopogonidae), vectors of orbiviruses.abstract:201121707980
host-seeking activity of bluetongue virus vectors: endo/exophagy and circadian rhythm of culicoides in western europe.feeding success of free-living hematophagous insects depends on their ability to be active when hosts are available and to reach places where hosts are accessible. when the hematophagous insect is a vector of pathogens, determining the components of host-seeking behavior is of primary interest for the assessment of transmission risk. our aim was to describe endo/exophagy and circadian host-seeking activity of palaearctic culicoides species, which are major biting pests and arbovirus vectors, usi ...201223144735
a survey of culicoides developmental sites on a farm in northern spain, with a brief review of immature habitats of european species.culicoides species (diptera: ceratopogonidae) belonging to the obsoletus and pulicaris groups are considered to be the main vectors of bluetongue virus (btv) in non mediterranean europe. selected terrestrial microhabitats (n=17) on a farm in northern spain were sampled repeatedly over a year-long period and characterized for use by culicoides species for immature development. concurrent use of cdc light traps showed the presence of 37 species and 66,575 specimens of adult culicoides. a total of ...201322999100
taxonomic assessment of culicoides brunnicans, c. santonicus and c. vexans (diptera: ceratopogonidae) in france: implications in systematics.culicoides brunnicans edwards, 1939, culicoides santonicus, callot et al., 1966, and culicoides vexans (staeger, 1839) belong to the vexans group of the subgenus oecacta. these species had never been studied by molecular methods and their distribution in western europe overlapped. c. brunnicans and c. santonicus are two closely related species and their diagnoses are based on the wing pattern only. an integrative taxonomic approach was conducted on females of the vexans group, culicoides furens ...201526005070
flight and swarming behaviour of culicoides species (diptera: ceratopogonidae) on a livestock farm in northern spain.the efficacy of sweep nets and a cdc white light-suction trap for the sampling of culicoides species (diptera: ceratopogonidae) were compared on a livestock farm in northern spain during the summer of 2013. a total of 6,082 specimens representing 26 species were collected with sweep nets in 4 areas at di erent heights (ground level, 1.5 m, and 3 m), and 8,463 specimens representing 28 species with a single white light trap. eight species - culicoides brunnicans, culicoides punctatus, culicoides ...201728675253
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