
a serologic survey for avian polyomavirus and pacheco's disease virus in australian cockatoos.sera collected from wild and captive australian cockatoos and other psittacine species (n = 411) were tested for antibodies to avian polyomavirus (apv) and pacheco's disease virus (pdv). of 144 wild sulphur-crested cockatoos (cacatua galerita) sampled at three regions in new south wales (nsw) 96 (64.4%) birds had positive (>/= 1:32) neutralizing antibody titres to avian polyomavirus (range 1:32-1:2048). two of 17 wild long-billed corellas (cacatua tenuirostris) were also apv-antibody positive. h ...199818483996
hematologic and plasma biochemical reference values for three species of black cockatoos (calyptorhynchus species).black cockatoos in southwest western australia face population declines as a result of habitat loss and fragmentation, poaching, competition with other species, vehicle strikes, and shootings. in this study, hematologic and plasma biochemical reference values were determined for 3 endemic western australian black cockatoo species: carnaby's cockatoo (calyptorhynchus latirostris) (n = 34), baudin's cockatoo (calyptorhynchus baudinii) (n = 22), and forest red-tailed black cockatoo (calyptorhynchus ...201323772452
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