
morphology of larval antennae and mouthparts of four indian sand flies (diptera: psychodidae) by scanning electron microscopy.the mouthparts and antennae of the fourth-instar larvae of four sand fly species were studied using scanning electron microscopy. the morphology of the clypeus, labrum, mandible, maxilla, mentum, and antennae were compared for phlebotomus argentipes annandale & brunetti, p. papatasin (scopoli), sergentomyia babu babu (annandale), and s. bailyi (sinton). most of structures exhibited species-specific features, particularly the characteristics of the antennae. p. papatasin larvae had heart-shaped a ...200010916299
first detection of leishmania tropica dna and trypanosoma species in sergentomyia sand flies (diptera: psychodidae) from an outbreak area of cutaneous leishmaniasis in ghana.leishmania major and an uncharacterized species have been reported from human patients in a cutaneous leishmaniasis (cl) outbreak area in ghana. reports from the area indicate the presence of anthropophilic sergentomyia species that were found with leishmania dna.201424516676
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