
outbreak of acute respiratory disease caused by human adenovirus type 7 in a military training camp in shaanxi, china.outbreaks of ard associated with hadv have been reported in military populations in many countries. here, we report an ard outbreak caused by hadv-7 in a military training camp in shaanxi province, china, from february to march of 2012. epidemic data and samples from the patients were collected, and viral nucleotides from samples and viral isolations were detected and sequenced. igg and iga antibodies against hadv, and the neutralization antibodies against the viral strain isolated in this outbr ...201323734976
adenovirus serotype 7 associated with a severe lower respiratory tract disease outbreak in infants in shaanxi province, china.pneumonia caused by adenovirus infection is usually severe especially with adenovirus serotype 7 commonly associated with lower respiratory tract disease outbreaks. we reported an outbreak of 70 cases of severe pneumonia with one death of infants in shaanxi province, china. sampling showed adenovirus 7 (ad7) as the primary pathogen with some co-infections.201121241515
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