
electropherotyping of human rotaviruses: an epidemiological survey of rotavirus infections in electrophoretic analysis of rotavirus rna segments was carried out on 522 faecal specimens, obtained from children hospitalized in sicily in the period 1981/85. one hundred and one viral isolates could be characterized with respect to the electrophoretic pattern of their genomic rnas. this analysis revealed that in 1981/82 different electropherotypes cocirculated in the infant population. in 1983 one of the patterns became prevalent; in 1984/85 only one electropherotype was detected, both in ...19863021522
rare au-1-like g3p[9] human rotaviruses with a kun-like nsp4 gene detected in children with diarrhea in italy.three g3p[9] rotaviruses, detected in children hospitalized with gastroenteritis in palermo, italy, were found to be genetically related to strains of either human or feline origin in the vp7, vp4, and vp6 genes. in contrast, in the nsp4 gene the viruses resembled g2p[4] human strains, suggesting a reassortment between au-1-like and kun-like strains.200818063802
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