
targeted surveillance to assess the prevalence of bse in high-risk populations in western france and the associated risk factors.a pilot study was set up for the first time in france in august 2000, to obtain more precise estimates on the bse epidemic in france. three categories of cattle at risk of bse (found dead on-farm, euthanased and emergency slaughtered) were sampled exhaustively from august 7 to december 22, 2000, in the three regions assumed to be the most affected with bse in france (basse-normandie, bretagne and pays de la loire). the samples were checked by using prionics tests, and positive samples were confi ...200212166421
descriptive spatial analysis of bse in western france.the spatial heterogeneity of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (bse) was analysed on the 84 cases confirmed in western france (wf) between august and december 2000, when both the mandatory reporting system and an active surveillance on cattle at risk were running. ninety-four percent of these cases were born between june 1993 and june 1996, and we analysed the location at birth. one disease mapping and two clustering methods (scan of kulldorff and the method of besag and newell) were used. in ord ...200314746770
prevalence of bse in cattle found dead, euthanased or emergency slaughtered on farms in western france in 2000, 2001 and 2002.the overall trend and the trend within birth cohorts of the prevalence of bovine spongiform encephalopathy (bse) in cattle found dead, euthanased or emergency slaughtered on farms in the bretagne, basse normandie and pays de la loire regions of france, during the periods from august 7 to december 22 in 2000, 2001 and 2002, were analysed by non-conditional logistic regression, adjusted for the region and for the type of animals. the overall prevalence of bse during these three periods decreased f ...200415537142
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