a survey of helminths in domestic cats in the pretoria area of transvaal, republic of south africa. part 1: the prevalence and comparison of burdens of helminths in adult and juvenile cats. | the helminths found in 1,502 necropsied cats were examined. the findings indicated that 65% of the cats were infested. the most prevalent helminths encountered were ancylostoma tubaeforme (41%), ancylostoma braziliense (25%), dipylidium caninum (23%), toxocara cati (11%), taenia taeniaeformis (7.7%), ancylostoma caninum (3.3%), joyeuxiella fuhrmanni (2.5%), ancylostoma ceylanicum (1.4%), and physaloptera praeputialis (1.3%). the following helminths were recorded in fewer than 1% of the cats: cen ... | 1989 | 2634770 |