
distribution of eurasian otter biliary parasites, pseudamphistomum truncatum and metorchis albidus (family opisthorchiidae), in england and wales.gall bladders from 273 otter carcasses, collected throughout england and wales, were screened to assess the status of gall bladder parasites in the eurasian otter, lutra lutra. the digenean pseudamphistomum truncatum had previously been found in uk otters collected between 2000 and 2007. the parasite was established in somerset and dorset but its distribution elsewhere in the uk was largely unknown. in the current study, p. truncatum was also found to be abundant in south wales, with occasional ...200919523253
spatial and seasonal factors are key determinants in the aggregation of helminths in their definitive hosts: pseudamphistomum truncatum in otters (lutra lutra).parasites are typically aggregated within their host populations. the most heavily infected hosts are frequently cited as targets for optimal disease control. yet a heavily infected individual is not necessarily highly infective and does not automatically contribute a higher proportion of infective parasitic stages than a host with fewer parasites. here, pseudamphistomum truncatum (opisthorchiida) parasitic infection within the definitive otter host (lutra lutra) is used as a model system. the h ...201525444862
seroprevalence of toxoplasma gondii in the eurasian otter (lutra lutra) in england and wales.toxoplasma gondii is found on all continents and can infect all endothermic vertebrates. toxoplasmosis is a globally important zoonosis with potentially devastating health impacts both for humans and a range of domestic and wild species. the world health organisation have repeatedly recommended the collection of accurate epidemiological data for t. gondii, yet despite recognised links between infection of wildlife, domestic animals and humans, seroprevalence in wild species is rarely monitored. ...201323510234
east-west divide: temperature and land cover drive spatial variation of toxoplasma gondii infection in eurasian otters (lutra lutra) from england and wales.toxoplasma gondii, a zoonotic parasite of global importance, infects all endothermic vertebrates, with extensive health implications. the prevalence of this parasite is seldom monitored in wildlife. here, a semi-aquatic species, the eurasian otter (lutra lutra) was used as a model to assess the potential effect of climate, land cover and biotic factors on t. gondii seroprevalence in british wildlife. the sabin-feldman cytoplasm-modifying dye test identified t. gondii antibodies in 25·5% of blood ...201728653587
high liver content of polybrominated diphenyl ether (pbde) in otters (lutra lutra) from england and wales.polybrominated diphenyl ethers (pbdes), used as flame retardants since the 1970s, are being phased out of use, but are persistent and widespread in the environment. historical declines in eurasian otter (lutra lutra) populations have been associated with exposure to dieldrin and polychlorinated biphenyls (pcbs), but links with other persistent organic pollutants have not been explored. in this study, liver samples from 129 otters, collected across england and wales from 1995-2006, were analysed ...201525014662
decline in pcb levels in otters (lutra lutra).a decline in total pcb levels in tissues of otters (lutra lutra) from england and wales, averaging 8% per year over the period 1983-1992, is reported. mean pcb levels are now unlikely to pose a threat to otter populations.19989532727
impact of organochlorine pesticide residues and pcbs on otters (lutra lutra): a study from western britain.a study of otter (lutra lutra) populations and levels of organochlorine (oc) pesticide residues and pcbs in otter droppings (spraints) was made on eight stretches of river in three catchments in wales and west midland england. population and contaminant levels were compared against target values. the otter populations (as measured by an index) remained stable on one stretch over 11 years, while they increased rapidly to equilibrium on four other stretches. the three lower stretches of rivers sho ...19938259486
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