
[effect of the irrigation and reclamation transformation of the karshi steppe on burrow sandflies of the genus phlebotomus--vectors of the causative agent of zoonotic cutaneous leishmaniasis].studies of land irrigation effect on phlebotomus sandflies, carriers of leishmania major (a zoonotic cutaneous leishmaniasis causative agent)--were performed for 15 field work periods, from 1967 to 1981, at 18 sites in various natural areas of the karshi steppe (uzbek ssr). over 43500 sandfly specimen were caught and identified. regularities in sandfly number changes, first of all, that of ph. papatasi, after irrigation were determined, with respect to various proximity of great gerbils' settlem ...19892528673
[isoenzyme analysis of the leishmania major strains isolated from patients with zoonotic cutaneous leishmaniasis in different sections of the endemic territory in the ussr]. 19882971864
[susceptibility of some laboratory and wild mammals to infection by uzbek strains of leishmania tropica major isolated from gerbils (rhombomys opimus licht.)]. 19664238258
[comparison of the external manifestation of the leishmaniasis process in laboratory golden hamsters infected with strains of leishmania tropica major and in great gerbils (rhombomys opimus licht.), donors of the tested strains]. 19734273952
[comparative characteristics of leishmania tropica major from patients with zoonotic cutaneous leishmaniasis from vaious foci in turkmenia and uzbekistan]. 19744281051
mixed leishmanial infections in rhombomys opimus: a key to the persistence of leishmania major from one transmission season to the important feature of the foci of zoonotic cutaneous leishmaniasis (zcl) in turkmenistan and uzbekistan is a 6-10-month break in transmission when leishmania parasites persist in great gerbils (rhombomys opimus)--the main host for three species (l. major, l. turanica and l. gerbilli). almost all (95%) of the laboratory-maintained r. opimus experimentally infected with l. major cured their infections within 6 months, a situation which, if mirrored in field conditions, cannot provide reliable pe ...200111784435
[ecology and the genetic structure of sympatric leishmania species circulating in the intra-continental deserts of the south palaearctic region].a pcr fingerprinting approach with single non-specific primers--(gtg)5 and t3b--was apply to investigate variations in the genotyping of three species of leishmania species within the rhombomys opimus area. forty-three strains of leishmania major, l. turanica, and l. gerbilli circulating among great gerbils in turkmenistan, uzbekistan, kazakhstan, and mongolia were examined. pcr fingerprint revealed a high genetic intraspecific heterogeneity among l. turanica strains. three groups of strains wer ...200314564836
[the characteristics of the epidemic activation of a natural focus of zoonotic cutaneous leishmaniasis in places with a sympatric dissemination of leishmania major, l. turanica and l. gerbilli].in 1975-1978 and in 1985-1988 studies of species composition and number of phlebotomus, r. opimus infestation with l. major, l. turanica and l. gerbilli as well as epidemic activity of the natural foci were performed in the karshi steppe in uzbekistan. typical areas have been compared in the desert, oasis and desert land irrigated for cotton growing. a correlation has been established between the epidemic activity of the natural focus and the nature of epizootic development in r. opimus and spec ...19911837582
[virulent properties of leishmania tropica major strains isolated from sandflies in the subzone of the northern deserts].on the territory of the karakalpak assr the infection of sand flies ph. papatasi, ph. caucasicus, ph. andrejevi and ph. monogolensis with the agent l. tropica major ammounts, on the average, to 39.3%. the virulence of 88 investigated strains of leishmania for white mice estimated by their infection and the duration of incubation was found to be different; one half of the strains had high, one third--average, and the other strains--low virulence.1976134342
[incidence of infestation of great gerbils (rhombanys opimus, licht.) by leishmania major during years of their population depression]. 19816453276
[some mechanisms of distribution of highly virulent strains of leishmania tropica major isolated from the large gerbil (rhombomys opimus licht.) in karshinsk steppe]. 19734281857
untreated zoonotic cutaneous leishmaniasis characterizing a highly aggressive strain type of leishmania major in uzbekistan. 200717958865
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