
dynamics of shell disease in the edible crab cancer pagurus: a comparative study between two sites on the gower peninsula, south wales, disease syndrome is a degradative condition of the crustacean exoskeleton which results in the formation of black-spot lesions. field surveys on the edible crab cancer pagurus (l.) population at 2 sites in the gower peninsula of south wales, uk, namely langland bay and rhossili causeway, revealed similarities in the prevalence of shell disease but differences in the severity. male crabs from langland bay displayed significantly greater severities of the disease on the dorsal carapace and v ...200212542092
disease profiles of juvenile edible crabs (cancer pagurus l.) differ at two geographically-close intertidal sites.the prevalence of disease in edible crabs (cancer pagurus) was assessed at two sites in south west wales; one estuarine (pembroke ferry) and another facing open water (freshwater east). diseases included pink crab disease caused by hematodinium sp., an infection of the antennal gland caused by paramikrocytos canceri and an idiopathic inflammatory condition of the connective tissue surrounding the anterior ganglionic masses. this latter condition was only found in crabs from pembroke ferry. there ...201525892036
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